Graduation Cakes

Grad Cake #1
Wavy line, banner, grad cap & diploma, optional logo (for an additional cost)

Grad Cake #2
Dotted line, banner, grad cap & diploma, optional logo (for an additional cost)

Grad Cake #3
Double color scroll detail, grad cap & diploma

Grad Cake #4
Scroll detail, stars, grad cap & diploma

Grad Cake #5
Dots, grad cap, ribbon & diploma

Grad Cake #6
Roses, banner, grad cap & diploma

Grad Cake #7
Roses, scroll border detail, grad cap & diploma

Grad Cake #8
Triple border, roses, diploma & ribbon

Grad Cake #9
Stripes, grad cap, and diploma

Grad Cake #10
Flowertastic – Price TBD based on size of cake

Grad Cake #11
Grad cap & diploma lay-on with flowers.

Grad Cake #12
Scored with flowers, rose buds, balloons, grad year, or combination
Showcase Custom Cakes – Prices Varied

PhotoCake Options are endless!

Grad PhotoCake
School logo and flowers (optional grad cap & diploma)

Grad PhotoCake
School logo and flowers (optional grad cap & diploma)
I will contact the school to request permission to use their image – not all schools allow this.

Grad PhotoCake
Photo, grad cap & diploma

Grad PhotoCake
Centered photo, grad cap & diploma
Cake Cost with Graduation Cap & Diploma Cake Kit (custom designs can cost more)
Choice of black, white, and red graduation caps.
1/4 sheet – feeds ~24: $50 (add $5 for a non-buttercream filling)
1/2 sheet – feeds ~48: $75+ (add $8 for a non-buttercream filling)
3/4 sheet – feeds ~72: $95+ (add $10 for a non-buttercream filling)
Full sheet – feeds ~96 – $125 (add $12 for a non-buttercream filling)
PhotoCake options available.
Brownie “Cakes” are also available
Other Treats Available: Cupcakes, Cookies, Brownies, Push-Up Pops

Cupcakes with pics/rings

Cupcakes with edible images

Cupcakes or Brownies in individual boxes

Sugar Cookies with school logo

Sugar Cookies with custom edible images

Sugar Cookies with custom edible images

Chocolate Chip Cookie Sandwiches


Cake Push-Up Pops